Chance and Probability Worksheets

Our resources allow students to describe the probability of events and conduct chance experiments.

Possible or Impossible?

Cut and paste to match each event to the term ‘Possible’ or ‘Impossible’.

Impossible, Unlikely, Likely or Certain?

Cut and paste to match each event to the term ‘Impossible’, ‘Certain’, ‘Likely’, or ‘Unlikely’.

Possible, Impossible

Think of events that are possible and impossible.


Game Of Chance Examples Worksheets

Impossible, Unlikely, Likely, Certain

Think of events that are impossible, certain, likely and unlikely.

Chance Spinner Sheet 1

Conduct a chance activity with a spinner then answer questions.

Dice Challenge

Design a 6-sided die that has a higher probability of landing on a 3.

Examples Of Probability Games

Game of chance: noun phrase a game (such as a dice game) in which chance rather than skill determines the outcome. Many nonprofits use games of chance and auctions as fundraising vehicles – without realizing that “legalized games of chance” are regulated activities, and indeed illegal in many states. So that poker night or silent auction that created such a buzzmake sure that the buzz is not the vibration of your cell phone letting you know that your nonprofit is being cited for criminal. Games in which state uncertainty plays a role are referred to as partial or imperfect information games as opposed to full or perfect information games. Examples of the chance classification for some well-known tabletop games are given in the table below. The following is an example of state statute (New York) defining the term. Pursuant to NY CLS Gen Mun § 186 (3), “Games of chance shall mean and include only the games known as 'merchandise wheels', 'coin boards', 'merchandise boards', 'seal cards', 'raffles', and 'bell jars' and such other specific games as may be authorized by the board, in which prizes are awarded on the basis of a designated winning number or numbers, color or colors, symbol or symbols determined by chance, but not. Board games are defined as games that use a board as a central component, along with counters or game pieces. While some are purely games of chance, others rely on a great deal of strategy to determine the victor. Games with boards have been played in most cultures, and the earliest known example dates back to Egypt in 3500 B.C.


Think carefully about chance and probability and be the first to remove all your counters from the board.