1. Vzwrlss Bill Pay
  2. Vzw Apo Vzwrlss Apocc
  3. Vzwrlss Apocc Visb Bill

Are you wondering why there is a charge from PURCHASE VZWRLSS APOCC VISN CA in your credit card? You are in the correct website. We are sad to inform you that you may have suffered a scam from PURCHASE VZWRLSS APOCC VISN CA. Credit card scams are a pretty normal thing when buying online, usually when people buy things in unknown sites and also on phishing actions taken by hackers.

Vzwrlss.apocc visw 800-922-0204, nj vzwrlss.bill pay vn folsom ca vzwrlss.etmwpn0w211501 800-922-0204 ca vzwrlss-ivr vn 8 ca vzwrlss.ivr vn 800-922-0204 nj vzwrlss.ivr vw 800-922-0204, nj vzwrlss.prepaid pymnt 888-294-6804 ca. What is VZWRLSS APOCC VISE NJ USA? VZWRLSS APOCC VISE NJ USA credit charge is the number 385 in our database. The charge comes from a fraudulent company transaction in Colombia. Every month 250 people come here by typing vzwrlss.apocc vise or similar terms. Charge VZWRLSS.APOCC VISW was first reported as suspicious on. Share information about potential credit card fraud in comments below. Most popular amounts.

Our users voted a total of 20 times, and 17 voted that it is a SCAM CHARGE.


PURCHASE VZWRLSS APOCC VISN CA credit charge is the number 1143 in our database. The charge comes from a fraudulent company transaction in Indonesia. Not funny huh? Every month 150 people come here by typing vzwrlss*apocc visn or similar terms.

What to do if your credit card has been charged?

  • You can search for the official Fraug.org website where they show information on how to tackle this kind of situations.
  • Also, you can check on the official VISA or Mastercard websites to ask for help, or open a dispute on PayPal.
  • If any of this solutions don’t work for you, we recommend you to go to your local bank office and ask for help, they are prepared to tacke this kind of credit card scam things.

PURCHASE VZWRLSS APOCC VISN CA credit charge was first spotted at 4 on Wednesday, 2012.

What people are saying about the scam...
Vzwrlss Apocc Visw

Over the past few weeks, I personally have received some potentially harmful calls from the numbers that appear as “Technical support” on my phone, likely because I have a Verizon Wireless service. The phone number associated with “Technical Support ” is (800) 922-0204 and incidentally is the official Verizon customer service number (see here), then the reason arises as if it had become my contact…

Vzwrlss Bill Pay

So, what’s wrong with the number? Scam companies seem to cover a call to a user with that number, asking them to go to a third party scam site that checks their login info and who knows what else. As you can imagine, it might deceive a lot of people if it appears as official looks as “technical support.”


The call I received told me that I had received a special gift of $54, and that to receive the payment, I had to go to www.verizon54.com. They even threw, “because, at Verizon, we care about you,” line to help seal the deal. As you can see at the top of this post, Google has marked the site as a phishing site and warns you not to log in if you try. If you do, and actually provide your login info, scammers can use that info to do all sorts of damage, starting with accessing your Verizon account.

Vzw Apo Vzwrlss Apocc

We’re not sure how long this scam will continue, but it has filled in 1-800 tracking sites for a few weeks now. This is definitely a scam. Please be careful if you receive a call from “technical support.”

Vzwrlss Apocc Visb Bill