Released: December 2017 You play as a grape named Barry, who's seemingly met his end at the dreaded Jam factory. But Barry doesn't go down easily. Escape the Jam Factory in this fast-paced platforming adventure. A Grape Escape Balloon Adventure offers sunrise hot air balloon flights over the Temecula Valley wine country in Southern California. Book your flight online, purchase a gift flight voucher, read our reviews, learn about us, discover our other services. The Grape Escape is an accelerometer based 2D side scrolling game for Android devices. The aim of the game is to reach the sign post at the end of the level and escape by tilting your device to move left and right! Collect coins and power ups along the way and be sure to avoid the enemies, they will damage you! The game was developed over a six week period by Leon Higgin and Dale Knowles as a. A Grape Escape Balloon Adventure offers sunrise hot air balloon flights over the Temecula Valley wine country in Southern California. Book your flight online, purchase a gift flight voucher, read our reviews, learn about us, discover our other services. The game is entertaining for young children who relish in smooshing their opponents grapes, but the game overall is fast and lacking depth. The game itself is a fast play and if you are looking for something that is of a longer duration, this is not the game to purchase. One person found this helpful.

A vegetarian Meat Boy Lite

Grape Escape Game

Grape Escape Board Game

In one of the last levels - the one with a sign that reads 'Balcony' - I cannot achieve vertical jump height to jump over 2.25 saw gears straight after conveyor platform no matter how long and hard do hold space bar with either of my two keyboards. I can complete game up to that point in 12 deaths, but I cannot get past that point with more then 400 attempts over multiple game sessions. It annoys me I cannot complete this game. I test my jump height at start of this level and it is random. When jumping while standing an entrance doors straight up I can sometimes touch ceiling and sometimes I cannot. Space bar is pressed to max always. The conveyor can be utilized to increase horizontal distance, but vertical height required is seemingly impossible.

I was really angry and wanted to give this no stars, but I decided to give two just in case if it is something wrong with my system. Never had such problem in any other game trough. I would give this game a 7/10 if not for this game breaking issue.

Grape Escape Game Fail

EDIT: The issue is was that the last level is unsolvable on cetain browsers, because the jump height to clear the saws after the elevator is unreachable in them for some reason. For me - it was impossible to finish the game in Firefox. I managed to complete the game in IE.

Grape Escape 2020

The Ending was not worth it.